MPCMA history


The Malaysian paint manufacturing industry has come a long way since 1966, but the original founding principles of the organization based on ‘understanding and action through communication’ have withstood the test of time. From a founding membership of six manufactures we have grown to a total membership of 43 representing 60 % of the overall paint manufacturing capacity of Malaysia today.

The paint manufacturers under MPCMA membership constitute more than 80% of the Decorative paints manufactured in Malaysia.

As early as 1970 sub-committees were established to comment on the collection of paint productions statistics, import laws and metrification. The dawn of the 80’s saw the MPCMA advising members on the inclusion of Bahasa and safety wording on labels, MPCMA attended the ASEAN Paint Manufactures meeting in Bangkok to promote the interests of the Malaysian Paint industry outside of Malaysia. In 1991 the MPCMA started specific action in environmental stewardship by forming a special committee on Environment and Waste Disposal who subsequently drafted Guidelines for the Management of Scheduled Waste Disposal for the Paints Industry. MPCMA organized and hosted the 5th Asian Paint Industry Council meeting 1998, further establishing the MPCMA presence and voice across the Asian market. MPCMA hosted this meeting again in 2008 once again demonstrating the commitment to representing the Malaysian Paint industry on a worldwide stage. Another major milestone for MPCMA was the release of  the ‘Criteria Document for Paints under the SRIM Eco-labeling System’ document in 2009. This was the foundation for the introduction of Eco labeling of paint in Malaysia. Today the organization remains just as active, championing the causes of the Malaysian Paint manufacturer’s
We are separated into four sub-committees that focus on understanding, communicating and training members in all aspects of new or changing legislation, compliance with responsible care initiatives and the promotion of health, safety and environmental security. Through meetings and events members continue to share current market experience and understand and share the issues that are impacting the Malaysian paint industry today. Our objectives are to:
  • Provide a forum to discuss and resolve common problems that are facing the paint manufacturing industry.
  • Provide a focus point for all participants in the industry to liaise with the public and government and to make recommendations on relevant issues.
  • Represent the interests of the Malaysian paint manufacturing industry in the wider Asian and international market spaces.
  • Advance the philosophy of responsible care, its implementation and compliance throughout the industry.
  • Promote environmental stewardship and safety for employees.
  • Encourage fraternity and the sharing of information and common objectives within the membership of MPMA and Malaysian paint manufacturing industry.
  • Provide and invite speakers from the Government agencies on relevant topic with regards to the Paint industry.
  • Represent Malaysia at the Asian Paint Industry Council with Japan Paint Manufacturer Association as the main coordinator.
  • Part of the Technical committee for setting standards and compliance to the Malaysian Standards (MS) on paints.
  • Collating the paint statistics based on the Department of Statistic.
  • Sharing of Safety statistic within the participating paint members.
  • Provide input/comments to the Government Agencies with regards to any changes in the Regulations/Acts related to the paint industry.
  • Setting up the Coatings care Code in the Malaysian Context with regards to the Malaysian Regulations.
  • Public awareness on the safe usage and disposal of paints.

Find Us

Malaysian Paint & Coating Manufacturers' Association (MPCMA)

Lot I-17, Taman Perindustrian,
Subang Utama,
40000 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Tel No: +6019-204 9338